domingo, 25 de abril de 2021

6th grade – Family members

Cordial saludo, a continuación, encontrarán el trabajo para la tercera semana del segundo periodo, por favor tengan en cuenta escribirla completa (teoría y actividad) en el cuaderno y con las hojas marcadas, y no enviar hasta que se les indique (recuerden que se envían paquetes de actividades y si llegan por separado se evalúa una sola.)




There are different kinds of family members:


  • Immediate family: These are the closer relatives that we have according the biology, these are: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister. In this category we could include husband and wife. It is important to take into account that one collective word to describe brothers and sisters is siblings.


  • Relatives and extended family: These are other family members which are not so closed like the immediate family, but they have also a link with us; these are: great-great grandparents (great-great grandmother, great-great grandfather), great grandparents (great grandmother, great grandfather), grandparents (grandmother, grandfather), aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece.


  • The in-laws: These are the members of the family of your spouse (the person you are married to) or via a marriage in your family, these are: father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.


Activity: First of all, you have to write the meaning in spanish of each family member that is written in the previous theory. Then, you must draw and decorate your family tree beginning by your grandparents. You have to use a mínimum of ten different family members and include the real names, for example: grandfather - José, grandmother - María, father - Pedro, mother - Katherine, among others. 

(Primero que todo, debes escribir el significado en español de cada miembro de la familia que está escrito en la teoría previa. Luego, debes dibujar y decorar tu árbol genealógico comenzando por tus abuelos. Tienes que utilizar un mínimo de 10 miembros de la familia diferentes e incluir sus nombres reales, por ejemplo: abuelo - José, abuela - María, padre - Pedro, madre - Katherine, entre otros.)

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