martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Examen final cuarto periodo

Resultado de imagen para final test

Se realizará el examen final, la fecha límite de presentación es el próximo cinco de noviembre. 
Los códigos para acceder al mismo en Edmodo son:

sexto: fbnytc

séptimo: dtva5d

Octavo: m7s5dw

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Autoevaluación periodo cuatro

Hi guys, remember that you have to develop the self-evaluation in the notebook and you have to create (if you still haven't one) an edmodo account,


Formato autoevalución periodo cuatro


You have to score from 1.0 to 5.0 depending on your own criteria. Then, you have to sum all the results and divide into 5

  • I developed all the tasks (yo desarrollé todas las tareas) ---------------------------------
  • I had an excellent behavior (yo tuve un comportamiento excelente) -------------------
  • I brought all the materials (yo traje todos los materiales) --------------------------------
  • I understood everything and asked (yo entendí todo y pregunté) -----------------------
  • I participed actively in the project (yo participé activamente en el proyecto) --------

martes, 28 de mayo de 2019

Tarea extra


Hello everybody, these activities must be developed by hand in letter size sheets for next Wednesday, June 5th (12:30 pm) and must be evaluated during the break of the same day:

* Sixth graders:
- Write 20 sentences using occupations and present continuous tense.
- Write your daily routine in 20 different activities.
- Draw a person and write 10 different adjectives describing him/her.

* Seventh graders:
- Write 20 sentences using free-time activities and frequency adverbs.
- Write 20 sentences using using indefinite articles and arts.
- Do the reading comprehension activity of the following link: 
(you have to write the text and the questions with the correct answer.)

* Eighth graders:
- Write 20 sentences using modal verbs.
- Write 20 questions related to a person that you admire using WH QUESTIONS.
- Do the reading comprehension activity of the following link:
(you have to write the text and the questions with the correct answer.)

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

Actividad: Comprensión de lectura

Reading comprehension

Read the following story, then answer the questions in legal sheets by hand (for friday, March 22nd):

My name is Ben and I come from Australia. I am 24 years old and I live in a small town near Sydney called Branton.
I don't have a job now, but normally I clean shop windows. I am not married but I live with my very beautiful girlfriend, Maria, in a nice house in Branton. We don't have any children...maybe next year.
My girlfriend is an actress, but she isn't very famous. She acts in a small theatre in our town. At the weekend, we like to go swimming in a big lake near our house.
I normally get up at eight o'clock, but on Thursday I get up at six o'clock because that is the day when I go running in the park.
1. Where does Ben come from?
2. How old is Ben?
3. Where does Ben live?
4. Is Ben married?
5. What is Ben's girlfriend called?
6. Do they have any children?
7. Do they live in a house or an apartment?
8. What does his girlfriend do?
9. What do they do at the weekend?
10. When does Ben go running?